CBA - Coldwell Banker Alliance
CBA stands for Coldwell Banker Alliance
Here you will find, what does CBA stand for in Real Estate under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Coldwell Banker Alliance? Coldwell Banker Alliance can be abbreviated as CBA What does CBA stand for? CBA stands for Coldwell Banker Alliance. What does Coldwell Banker Alliance mean?The United States based company is located in Whittier, California engaged in real estate industry.
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Alternative definitions of CBA
- Chinese Basketball Association
- Cost Benefit Analysis
- College Of Business Administration
- Cell- Based Architecture
- Centrally Billed Accounts
- Curriculum- Basic Assessment
- Conceive Believe And Achieve
- Cost Benefit Analysis
View 194 other definitions of CBA on the main acronym page
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- CBTP Coldwell Banker Timberland Properties
- CAFP California Academy of Family Physicians
- CHHC CH Hanson Company
- CEG Concept Entertainment Group
- CRE The Center for Relationship Education
- CHAL Caledonia Housing Association Limited
- CC Circuit de Catalunya
- CPB Crowne Plaza Borjomi
- CIB Citizens Independent Bank
- CABA Continental Automated Buildings Association
- CAE Computer Age Engineering
- CG The Clubs of Greensboro
- CBSWL Classic Builders South West Limited
- CDCL The Cambridge Dining Company Ltd
- CESC Colonial Electric Supply Corp
- CTNC Conservation Trust for North Carolina